Grandstream UCM has built in troubleshooting tools under Maintenance tab. They are :
Network Troubleshooting
Process Log & Syslog Level

CDR API Log: Monitors processes related to CDR API configuration and function.
PBX MID Log: Monitors processes related to CTI module. This includes CRM and PMS features, as well as web pages that uses websocket to push status such as Dashboard, Active Calls, Extensions, CDR, Call Queue, Conference, Eventlist, HA, ZeroConfig, CRM and PMS web pages.
Apply Change Log: Monitors “Apply Change” script status. This is related to the “Apply Change” function on the web UI.
CGI Log: Monitors processes related to CGI module, which is used in all web page configurations.
Alert Log: Monitors processes for the Alert module, which is related to System Events function.
ZeroConfig Log: Monitors processes related to the ZeroConfig module.
HA Log: Monitors processes related to the HA module.
Other Log: Monitors processes for services relying on Python script.
DTMF: Monitor all DTMF events such as feature code, IVR and DISA.
CC: Monitor Busy Camp On/Call Completion service. This is related to CC configuration in extension configuration and VOIP trunk configuration.
FAX: This is related to FAX related services.
SECURITY: Monitor Asterisk authentication related services such as authentication for extension registration and trunk registration.
PBX Modules

AMI: This is to report Asterisk status.
Bridge: Mainly used for Conference room.
IO: Mainly used for Voice Prompt and IVR functionality.
JITTERBUFFER: Jitter buffer, which is the function that allows users to add a fixed or adaptive buffer in the dialplan to the read side of a channel.
PBX: Related to dial plan during call. This provides the core functionality of the system such as loading the Asterisk dialplan and looking up data on remote Asterisk systems.
Channel: This is the abstract concept of channel. Each calling party has a channel.
DSP: Track SVIP related issues (such as audio/video RTP related processing).
CDR: CDR related services.
chan_XXX: This is the specific channel that drives different protocols and channel types (SIP, PSTN and etc). For example, FXS/FXO/E1/T1 use chan_dahdi; PSTN auto detection in analog trunk use chan_autodetect.
app_XXX: Dialplan application that provides various features related to calls such as voicemail, DISA, Fax and etc. For example, app_queue is for Call Queue; app_voicemail is for voicemail; app_disa is for DISA; app_followme is for FOLLOWME.
func_XXX: Dialplan function.
codec_XXX: Codec related functions that allow Asterisk to encode and decode different audio formats.
res_XXX: The third party library used by Asterisk. Resource modules provide connections to 3rd party repositories and libraries that hold specific information.
loader: This is related to loading other modules.
pjsip: This is related to PJSIP (SIP). This is the open source embedded SIP protocol stack that is essential to Asterisk functionality and operations. It provides many SIP features.
Logger: Asterisk logging module.
Network Troubleshooting

Issues and Troubleshooting

Go to Maintenance > Syslog > click Clean
Select the relevant PBX Modules or Process log for your issue
Click Save and replicate your issue
Click Download
Unzip the file, open and verify it with Notepad++
For the audio issue
we need ALL LEVEL of PJSIP, PBX, RTP, and AVS PBX Modules.
